Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Episode Seven: Teacher or Listener

Silas: That was wonderful.
Ofelia: I’m a little rusty, but thanks.

Silas: Nonsense. Thank you for asking me to listen, it’s been a welcome diversion.
Ofelia: You have a lot of responsibilities then?

Silas: Yes. Since my father was called away, I do my best to help keep the household running, and I oversee my sisters’ education.
Ofelia: You’re a teacher?

Silas: Not technically, I’m not certified or anything, but I have a few degrees so even uncertified, I’m qualified. This way we don’t have to involve tutors.
Ofelia: It’s sweet you’re so concerned with Mercy.
Silas: I care very deeply for her welfare. She shares a lot with my brother.

Ofelia: Oh, you have a brother?
Silas: Yes. He’s with my father. He never had much patience, so it’s best I’m the one who stays with Carmilla.

Ofelia: She needs a lot of patience, then?
Silas: She’s an amazing woman. Dorian has problems understanding just how intelligent and strong she is. I have a lot of respect for her.

Ofelia: That’s nice. I miss having my parents around.
Silas: I’m so sorry. In a way, I guess I’m glad I don’t remember my mother. I can’t remember losing her.

Ofelia: Your mother died? I suppose I should’ve assumed something happened, Carmilla being your stepmother.
Silas: She died giving birth to Dorian and I. I’m sorry for bringing up bad memories, I know it’s hard enough for you. I really do hope it gets better.

Ofelia: Silas?
Silas: Yes?
Ofelia: It already has.

Silas: humming

Silas: Door? What is it? Again? Is someone with Mercy?

Carmilla: I found her here. They’ve both fainted. It’s not even lunch time yet! What is she doing up here?

Silas: I have a limited understanding of Door, but apparently she slipped out. I don’t know why, usually she stays asleep come sunup.
Carmilla: Well lock the godforsaken door this time! And Door, if she’s getting out…Yes, that’s right. Thank you.

Carmilla: It’s nice to know I can depend on SOMEone around here.

Carmilla: Oh, Marius, where are you? I was a fool to think I could handle this on my own!

Marius: Dorian! Wake up. I’m back
Dorian: Mmmrprph…light…is bad…
Marius: Now, Dorian. Things did not go well. We’re going home.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Episode Six: Under Control

Previously, Mercy was plagued by nightmares, and Silas and Door were conspiring to keep someone hidden away.

Carmilla: Did you contain the situation?
Silas: Situation. Yes, I did. Were you planning to see her today?

Carmilla: Of course. But Mercy is always weak after these…nightmares. I’ll do what I can. I trust Julia helped?
Silas: That is why you hired her.

Carmilla: I know you think I’m cruel, but it’s the best situation possible. It’s not the same as it was for you and your brother.
Silas: If anyone knows the differences, it’s me. But I also know the similarities. This behavior may not last. Maybe if we were alone…

Carmilla: Just spare me. I won’t deprive Mercy of the benefits of the world. Especially if you think the problems will diminish over time. Unless of course, you no longer believe that to be the case.
Silas: She’s shown improvement. You know that.

Carmilla: I do. Which is why I won’t stunt Mercy’s education right now, and exposure to the arts is a large part of a lady’s education. She obviously can’t leave the house to get it.
Silas: Obviously. I’ve never countered that.
Carmilla: Then I must bring the arts to her, and we must adjust to accommodate. We do have to give her the best chance we can to succeed in the world. So no, we will not be alone.

Carmilla: Will there be anything else?
Silas: Not at all, stepmother.
Carmilla: Then leave me to my breakfast.

Carmilla: *sigh* He simply doesn’t respect me, and I can’t have that.

Carmilla: Yes, I am aware you think I should take it easier on him. No, I’m not mad at you for bringing it up, don’t be silly.

Carmilla: I think she’s doing just fine. You heard him, improvement. She’s a lot better than she was last summer, even I can tell that.

Carmilla: You take wonderful care of her, and I’m grateful for that. Now don’t make me dismiss you too.

Silas: Ah, Ofelia as I remember?
Ofelia: Yes.
Silas: How are you and your sister settling in?

Ofelia: Everything is very nice. Thanks again.
Silas: There is no need to thank me any further. I hope to make you feel good.

Silas: That is, um, I mean, I hope you feel good about being with me. With us! With…here! I hope you feel good about being here. Feel at home, I mean.
Ofelia: Um…yes. We are making ourselves at home as best as we can, considering.

Silas: Oh, oh, of course! I know, the circumstances for your stay are less than ideal, I didn’t mean to imply they weren’t.
Ofelia: And you didn’t. Everything is going very well, thank you for your concern.

Silas: You’re welcome.
Ofelia: I’m just off to practice. It’s the first time I’ve tried to play in weeks.
Silas: Certainly. I’m sorry for keeping you.

Ofelia: You weren’t keeping me. Say, um…would you like to join me?

Silas: Join…you? YES! Ahem, yes. I would. I’d love to hear you practice.

Episode Five: Not Anymore

Last night Mercy was plagued by a nightmare, Julia was caught by Silas playing hooky from her assignment, and Oryx saw a strange person in the hallway...

Lenny: Hi, it’s Julia, right?

Julia: Yes, hi. Did you need something?
Lenny: No, you just look like you need someone to talk to.

Julia: I’m fine, thanks.
Lenny: What happened to your arm?

Julia: Um…ah, I need to change the dressing. Just a cut. I was making a salad last night.
Lenny: Are you sure it’s okay? Maybe someone should have a look…
Julia: No, I’m a doctor. I’ll be fine.

Lenny: A doctor? Really? But Mercy treats you kind of…I’m sorry, it’s none of my business.
Julia: That’s right.

Lenny: Um…I’m sorry…

Oryx: What’s up, girlie?
Lenny: I think I just offended the nurse…I mean doctor.

Oryx: Oh, it’s nurse now. She [i]used[/i] to be a hotshot doctor, not anymore.
Lenny: Really?

Oryx: Oh yeah. A or something.
Lenny: A what?
Oryx: I dunno, a blood doctor. Whatever they call it.

Lenny: What happened?
Oryx: So, she’s working on this major new painkiller, supposed to be the shit, right?
Lenny: Okay.
Oryx: So it disappears and everybody says she stole it! To sell it, or use it, or something.

Lenny: Did she?
Oryx: Didn’t say. That’s kind of weird, huh? Figures if she didn’t, she’d say so since she’s all bearing her soul to me and stuff. Either way, she can’t be a doctor anymore. Probably wouldn’t be able to work at all if it weren’t for this place.
Lenny: I don’t really feel right talking about this.

Oryx: Hey, I don’t ask for information. I’m just offered it.
Lenny: And she just happened to bear her soul to you?
Oryx: Well, people tend to be open with me under certain…circumstances.
Lenny: I figured.

Lenny: How many irons in the fire this time, Oryx?
Oryx: Is this a lecture?
Lenny: Nope, curiosity. You’re you, and I won’t try to change it. You know that.

Oryx: Just Jools for now. I thought maybe Silas, but he’s boring. It’s a waste of time to pursue something so uninteresting.

Silas: I know we thought it was safe, but her door needs to be locked at night again. Don’t look at me like that. Two new people in the house, it’s a really bad time for this to happen.

Silas: I finally got her to sleep. Give her two hours, then wake her up and feed her. I’ll be back this evening.

Episode Four: Know your Duties

Last time on Look Me In The Eyechips, Ofelia had embarrassed herself and her sister in their new home, and Oryx tempted nurse Julia for an evening's entertainment.

Mercy: AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!

Mercy: sobbing
Julia: Mercy! Oh...Silas.
Silas: You weren't here. Ah, Oryx. Well, it was just...nightmares. She has them, especially when no one is here to fend them off.

Silas: Oryx, could you excuse us please?
Oryx: Yes, of course, I'll just be going now.

Julia: I'm so sorry, Silas! I was just...I was...
Silas: Just running around in nighties with the opera singer for no reason at all. Save it. You have your break in the morning. At night, you need to be here.

Silas: She needs your help now. You know what you were hired for, I suggest you remember your duties from now on, and save the fraternizing.
Julia: Of course.

Oryx: Crap. I hope she's not in too much trouble.

Oryx: Oh well. Not my problem anymore.

Oryx: What? Who are you?

Oryx: Hey! I'm talking to you! Slow down!

Oryx: What the hell?

Oryx: OOF!

Oryx: Oh, Door! Did you see someone just come by here? Short, dressed in black?
Door: ...

Oryx: I know you understand me. Did you see someone? Nod? Something?
Door: ...

Oryx: Fine. Stand there like a knob. Don't even know why I got out of bed anyway, I should be sleeping.

Oryx: (grumbling) nightmares and kids and stupid crap...